
b8ikm4rfv.casitasanadora.comentarios@blogger.com Occupa.tional asthm.a is caus_ed by breat_hing 'in fumes_, gases, pollen or. dust wh,ile on th.e job. A f-airly -comprehensive l.ist of al*ternative te_sts and -therapies for* food a+llergies. F.ind out mo*re now.! Weight-loss s*urgery s'hould be con'sidered o*nly as the. last i.dea of obe,sity treat,ment. Try this +dru,g! Let yourself' enjoy amazi,ng -sex with .most beautif-ul women! Say -impotence 'Good Bye!+ Doctors and ,th'e governm_ent are crac+king down* on prescriptio,n pai*nkillers. Learn m-ore now! A_sthma is al-s-o commonly d.iagnosed after_ sym+ptoms arise du.ring exerc_ise. Are yo.u okay 'now? There ,is no ideal me_dication for' potency ,improv.ement but t_his amazing, discovery!, New horizon's of l_ove w*ill be ope+n for you the mom,ent _you try thi,s amazin_g sex medicine! Ea.rl-y warning *signs are cha-nges tha't happen -just before the _beginnin+g of an asthma +attack,. Today whe'n obesi+ty is on -the rise throug-hout the w.orld you. shou'ld be attentiv_e to what y*ou eat. If yo_u thin*k before y-ou eat and k+eep ac.tive during the' day you a.re prot'ected +from obesity! Ex,posur_e to cigar,ette smok.e and other pollu_tants i's a strong in+dicat+or of increa-sed allergy ris,k. +Women suffer fro.m *obesity just .as often' as men do, but th.ey get' depres+sed much mor,e often.+ 90% of food- allergy .reactions ar_e caused by 8 .foo,ds: milk, s,oy, eggs, -wheat, *peanuts, tre,e nuts, … Antibi.otics are 'prescribed' medic-ations that .fig*ht against infecti-on. Fo+llow t*he instructi_ons! Your pe+nis will .be gratefu,l to you +for your care- and a+ttention!, Try out this littl.e pill! P-ainkillers *can* cause nau-sea, apathy, v'omiting-, and most sign_ific_antly, r,espiratory depres'sio.n. It's a well-kno,wn fact- that o_lder adults w-ho suffer fr.om *asthma have po_orer lung func.ti'on. Bicycle rid.ing, ,in moderation, does, not a+ffect erect.ile functi_oning. 'But it's not +abso*lutely safe. Anti-biotic,s effect+ively preven_t any ba,cterial in.fections +from spreading ove*r your or+ganism. St'atistics sh.ow that me'n don'*t live as lon'g a+s women and are, more at risk _o-f accidents, +injuries. Painki.lle,rs should never, be shared w-ith a.nyone .else. Only you_r doctor can .decide +if it's safe. S*om_e common d+iseases are asso'ciated- with an increa+sed -risk of erectile_ dy-sfunctionin mal'es. Sexual l+ife is' something tha*t makes us +feel happ'y and- necessary. Wha.t's+ life without_ sex? The less*er known+ effects of o_besity. may al_so include ,asthma an*d pregnancy c+omplica'tions. It is* true* that consum'ing too much alc.ohol c.an affect a 'man's ab*ility to get &+ maintain- er_ection. Ma'naging high +cholesterol *isn't a simple *do-i-t-yourself pro*ject. You ne'e,d professiona_l help! Som'e people _stay on t,he same dose of_ painkill'ers fo_r many months *and the -drug is sti'll effect,ive. When it c-omes -to effective 'bacterial i.nfections t'reatmen_t what you 'need is a, good antib-iotic'. Though asthma+ symptom-s vary,+ they include cou.gh'ing, wheezing+ &tight feelin'g in the_ chest. I+t's not only y+our body th'at. suffers from pai.n but yo+ur nervo*us syste.m as well. Thi'nk tw*ice! Eating health+ier 'products with_ smalle.r calor,ie intake is vita.l to o'vercoming o.besity & -getting s*lim. Fig_hting obesity' remember,, that loosin'g weight to_o quickly is ,no good! .Don't get t+oo keen.- There a_re no .unknown asthma s,ymptom+s, but peo.ple still g_et caught b_y sur,prise. Watch out!- I know how *to boost y-o-ur sexual perfo,rmance and -never l*et it disa*ppear fore'ver! According t'o a .recent surve'y Amer+ican men had- fewer +health tests and 'investigatio-ns' this year. I hav_e re-ad about sp-ecial tips that- help as,thmatic' people to so'lve their p'roblem's with breathin-g. Is your 'ast+hma preventing -you from _exerc-ising? It doesn-'t have to! K*eep on' moving!_ As some diseas.es+ progress, t,he disease w_ill impact th,e f-unction of musc'ular struc*tures of the ,penis. D+iets t'hat prom-ise easy and st_eady weight, loss are tri+ck.y advertisements, of' cunning pharma.cists!!! *How many *calories *do you consum.e every ,day? May b.e I is the ke_y to your ide,a*l weight? T,ry out! Improper- us+e of antibi-otics can be mor-e harm.ful than .helpful. Be ver-y at_tentive takin-g it! .What are the top+ 5 secret_s of natur.al medicine_ that work m_iracles+ on y_our potency? Ther*e is no 'place for *impotence _in your l'ife! W*hen are you going +to under_stand it,- man? Learn +more_ about adul,t-onset .asthma and ho*w you can trea*t the sy+mptoms to- breathe easil'y. Ast'hma atta-cks are usua,lly tempor_ary and _can be eas.ed with m-edication, yet, th.ere 'is no cure. Yo+ur penis, let yo*u down fo_r the firs*t time? Don'.t panic!_ The answer, to all question,s i+s here! Discove,r which fo_ods are most +likely. to cau.se a breathin_g probl'em, & ta,ke preventive +steps! Allerg'y can t-ake you _all by s,urprise all of a _sudden eve-n when you a+re driving- a c_ar! Take c_are! Hopelessnes_s, an-ger and. depression 'can be the caus,es of_ obesity in* people! Your +mood matter's! Unders-tanding th+e chan+ges th+at occur in a.sthma, and ho+w it can *behave o*ver time _is vital. The li_fe ex_pectancy f-or mild asthm*atics is the* s.ame as for those wh-o do not h'ave asthma,. Your ris-k* of high cholest.erol increa'ses if a f.ather o,r brother was. affecte_d by heart +disease+. Obesity -is cause_d both by -genes & lif+estyle habits., Your _family history ,matt,ers, just like 'your _food! I wi.ll never buy -another anti_bioti'c because ,this one h.as proved its effi'ciency._ It''s the best,! For older me+n, the use of ,alcohol,* even in ,small amount,s ma_y inhibit e.rectile capac*ity. Bew,are! In-novative m'edication has -been i.ntroduced recentl_y and no a+sthma.tics are* given a 2_nd chance. _I don't need +to be 'a doctor t+o tell you wha+t impotence tre+atment i,s the most .effe'ctive on*e! I don't need *to be* a doctor, to tell you what i'mpotence _tre-atment is the .most ef*fective one! Th.e dos_e of painkil+ling drugs you .ta.ke will be c,arefully +tailored to y-our own speci-al needs-. If 'you don't wan't to go .under th+e knife for a cha,nce- of restored potenc'y, t,ry this -drug! Myths abo'ut pa.inkillers o,ften cause fear-s and, worries and 'may l+ead to pai.n not being c+ontrolled'. Bronchial t,ubes that are- ch*ronically ,inflamed become- ove+rly sensitive -to alle+rgens or irritants.. Myth: ,Alc-ohol use cause_s erectile- problems., Many poo-r people_ still blame alcoh+ol for imp-ot*ence. Cholest-erol is a' building block -for cel,l membranes .& hormones- like estro+gen & t+estosteron,e. Find o*ut more about *this pra,ctical g+uide to diagn+os.ing, treating, an_d l*iving well wit'h food .allergies. I''m really afraid, of hav,ing an allerg.y. _My sister has- & it's awfu,l. So I have+ _a daily tod_o list. D+on't let your hunge+r overcome' your- desire .to look good! T.hink about_ obes-e people an_d kids. *Stop waiting for ,bacter_ia to catch yo*u by su'rprise! Try' our s_uper effec*tive antibi*otic and *relax! Many t-imes, ,sinusitis trigge_rs asthma s.ymptoms, s'uch_ as cough'ing, sneezing and- wheezin'g. There are_ hundreds, of o-ther asthma.tics. Stop s*uffering- in solitude! _Take g.ood care of yo-ursel-f! Today is a+s good a day as* any to s.tart. The .only- thing you ha+ve to 'lose is those e_xtra pounds. *It's v+itally *important to trea't a+sthma sy*mptoms whe+n you first +notice t-hem. Take g'ood care! Bein_g overweight i*s a ri'sk factor f-or h*eart diseas+e. It also *tends to incre_ase your chol+estero*l. This month_ we *sell most' popular pharma,cy prod'ucts at l,owest prices ev'er seen! Ta-king a +painkiller +remem.ber to consult wi-th your *health care +provider _first.! It's im.portant! When you, are .taking painki'llers be. sure t,o take them re'gularly as pre_s+cribed by your doc_tor. Does -the durat*ion of _your sex d_epend on the' lengt-h of your peni-s? Let's find' it out! ,Severe+ allergens _require seve,re measur,es! We o.ffer you, to try _our innovative a_llergy t_reatment_. How many ca*lories do you_ consume ,every day? M+ay be* I is the ke.y to y+our ideal w.eight? Try out_! There+ are many myt*hs about -painki-llers, e'specially stro,ng pain-killers suc-h as morphine.- Your ,risk of diabetes,+ heart di.sea.se, stroke, arthri,t+is and some cancers- incre_ases in case ,of obe,sity. How ,much we.ight are y.ou going to_ lose? This -medication will, help +you lose as, much as you 'ne'ed! Children t+reated repe*atedly +with antib+iotics f_or ear infection-s can_ develop yeast i'nfe.ctions! It-'s always' better to be* well-informed ,about th'e medicatio-n you -take in or+der to -avoid misu*se. It's a well-k-nown' fact that old+er adults who. suffer f.rom asthma .have' poorer lung _function. A s'evere as+thma attack. can be lif*e-threateni-ng. Ma*ke sur-e you have an e-mergency p+lan! Asians o*n averag*e hav_e an LDL chol*esterol -level of less t,han 95_ because of, their low+ fat d'iet. We a,re proud to decl*are that a' mon.th of giant sa'vings .begins! Hurry up t+o buy +medicine*s! The am+ount of your bod.y fat de'pends on yo'ur eatin*g mode & you-r family hist+ory. Bew_are of .food! I woul.dn't re'commend this *medication' to you if I -hadn''t witnesse'd the chan-ges it prod-uces! With +all of the s,tories of_ food allerg.i'es swirling aroun-d in th*e press, you, should -know the t+ruth. Som*e studies s-how that brea*stf-eeding decreases th*e chan,ces for a ch.ild to deve'lop food al+lergies...*.. Do you know the _early sign-s of an ,asthma attack?_ Their' variety may r+eally surp*rise you., Your+ symptoms may b*e m'ild during on'e asthma .attack an,d severe durin'g an-other one. E'rectile dysfu*nctio,n is a universa-l problem that- b'others men of ,all ages! *Are you in? 'Your penis +deserves a .be-tter life!- Make a great _gift for it – _bu.y our premium m-edicine! A 'var+iety of thi,ngs can affect cho.lesterol l'evels. The,se are thi*ngs you c'an+ do for your health,! Impotenc.e shou,ld ha-ve never occurred i*n your -bedroo_m. Learn wha+t to do if it *did oc+cur. There+ is no pl,ace for impo.tence in yo+ur life! Whe-n are ,you going to un*d-erstand it, ma,n? You m-ay be given othe*r medi'cines| such as_ an_ti-inflammato'ry drugs to tak.e' with your paink.illers. Thi+s is an awe,so-me deal! Buy two pa'cks of +impotence med*ication an,d* pay only for o-ne! Aller,gy symptoms gi,ve you a. signal, that it's -time to' take a n_ew pill and f_orget ab'out allergy! Be+st way- to treat cho-lesterol in k_ids is_ with a diet +and exerci'se progra+m in'volving th+e family. People al-l +over the +United Sta*tes are ove_rweight or obese, .and at* least 1 in 5_ of them a-re children*. Is y'our wei+ght-loss p-rogram effectiv.e? H_ow much weight do' you loos,e monthly? T,ry a ne+w metho.d Acute urti.caria *is common, affect_ing 10 - 2_0% of the p_o*pulation a_t some time .in their live_s. Today's yo+un,g people need to w*orry abou+t ge*tting sic.k & dying soon.er if they stil*l ge*t obese. High c_hol+esterol level oft-en a+ffects blood s.upply to the _heart an'd o.ther organs. Take 'care! T-he more ri,sk factors y.ou have, t*he gr*eater your chanc*e of 'developing coron+ary heart .dise_ase. An*other study rev+eals that 'older *adults are m+ore likely to_ die fr-om asthma-. Are you protect.ed? A,bout 50* million peo.ple in -the United State_s suf.fer from some .form of allerg*y an,d asthma. Va,scula,r disease, diabete-s, ,hypertension -often cau.se erectile dys_functi_on & diso,rders in men*. Obe_sity increas*es your risk o*f developing, high b-lood pressure_ & ca*ncer of +the breast, p-rostate. You -should- never start tak*i+ng painkillers with-out your+ health car,e pro-vider's prescr*iption.- Inflammation_, mucus p+roduc'tion, & muscle, constri,ction shrink *the airwa*ys if you hav-e asthma.* Antib.iotic-r_esistant ba+cteria can cause' inf-ections and *can be s_pread to others in+ your+ family. I don''t think 'this amazin-g medic.ation brin_gs anythi,ng but hig,h pote-ncy to my hus-band! Smo*ke is a powerf_ul tr*igger of asthma sy'mptoms.- Take car'e of the air. you breat*he in! -Lookin-g for asthma he*lp? Livi.ng with it, isn't easy, the.re ar-e ways to -decrease y+our stress. 'Anti_biotics are the' first l-ine of defen*se against ,many in,fections. But +they do no+t affect+ viruses. I*f you experi,ence repe,ated' coughing sp*ells, a,nd your breathi-ng is noi_sy it m.ay be asthma. An-yon.e can get into an a-llergy r+isk group'. Mak-e sure you kno*w enough abo'ut anti-histamines. A+iring o'ut rugs an.d other, household it'ems dri_es and heat.s them – ex-terminating _allergic- mites. Virtual'ly all ty'pes -of antibiotics .act only on* replicati*ng bact_eria. It can *be tr*icky sometim-es! Do you _have an.y problems- with sex? They a'll can be_ solved, forever wi.th one singl-e pill o,f… I'm reall'y afrai-d of ha.ving an a'llergy. My s_ister h*as & it's awfu'l. So I, have a d-aily todo list. Ch,ronic alcoh,oli-sm, vascul-ar disea+se, multiple scle'rosis, ath*eroscler+osis can cau_se impot+ence.. Antibiotics are*n't sm_art enoug_h to dest-roy only th+e bad bacteria. _You should b*e ve+ry attentiv-e! If you ha*ve early war-ning signs_ or sym.ptoms,- you should ta_ke more asth.ma -medication.. Maintaining .a healthy c-holesterol_ level help. protec*t you aga,inst cancer, ac,cord-ing to a study. E-ach yea_r peop_le spend hu,ge money _on diet cons*ultants-, books and pi,lls, but onl-y few lose. weight,. Our spec_ial guest, D-r. Kreuzlange. will+ tell y.ou everything about. impoten+ce in ,men! Almost 2 ou*t of 5 *teens repor't hav,ing friends that _abuse p-rescri+ption paink'illers & +other drugs. Y*ou should n-ot be a+fraid of pai'n relief drug_s but y_ou should ,take them .respon*sibly, r-emember! Obe,se people su*ffer every da*y not, only from th.e way they +look but fr*om num'erous dis,eases! Nearly al'l cases o-f a.sthma-relate.d deaths ,result from a l_ack of ox+ygen,. not from cardiac +arr'est. Read mo're and protec.t your lung.s fro*m furthe*r irritation and* inflamma,tion c*aused by smoke-. Boys* are twice as l_ikely to* develop seve_re asth+ma as girls, b_ut* the exact -reason is .unknown. If a- man expe-riences _fear, he ma+y get an e_rection, which 'is ,not due to sexu,al ar,ousal or p,leasure. Try a mor,e effective, medica*tion b.efore a nocturn,al asthma a,ttack takes- your- life awa,y. Fighting obes-ity rem.embe*r, that loo*sing weight too, quickly is 'no 'good! Don't get to*o keen. Er+ecti.le dysfun_ction will 'not be given a, cha+nce to ruin yo.ur life!_ Hurry to buy t*he dr*ug! Chronic al*lergies +are diffi+cult to c*ure but yo,u can obta_in control, over you*r allergy with th.is… The l.es.ser known *effects of ob+esity may a*lso inc-lude asthma and. pregnancy co'mpl_ications. W.hat is _typically used *when dieta,ry changes d.oesn'-t help is me*dications and* weight-l+oss s-urgery. P'ain relief t'reatments com,e in many f*orms, are a+vail-able by prescri_ption or *over-the-cou.nter.. Your persona.l allergy 'treatmen*t requires muc'h time to +find. But ,fin,ally you will_ discov*er it! Infla'mmation, m'ucus pr'oduction, & muscle, constri*ction shr+ink the a'irways *if you ha,ve asthma. Some -antibiotics' are effect*ive. against c'ertain types +of bacte'ria; oth.ers can fight man'y bac'teria. Penic_illin was th.e first anti-biotic.* Now there- exist +more than, one hundred. Wha.t's yours? Zebeta _(Bisopro,lol, Monoco*r) Bayer A.SA Aspirin (+Acetyl_salicylic Ac+id, ASA) El'idel Crea,m (pim_ecrolimus) Hema'tur,ia birth c'ontrol HIV Tes+t — HIV, Test. FAP Lotriso+ne [lotr_isone+] (clotrimaz,ole, be*tamethasone) rou-ndw'orms Blastomyco,sis emerg,ency contrac_epti.on minoxidi.l Kof Tea — Ayu*rveda, *Cough, Cold, Thr-oat +Infection.s valode-x coronary a'rtery disease F-leas F-lexeril +(Cyclobenz'aprine, Apo-C+yclobenza+prine, F*exmid, Am.rix, muscle relax*er,_ muscle re.laxant) Barb,er's Itch Zome*ta (zoled*ronic acid) H*a_y Fever Caverta- (Viagra, S_ildenaf-il Citrat.e) VPXL (peni-s growth,* penis en+larger) Stro.ngyloidias'is Gluc-osamine & _Chondroitin (Chon.droiti+n Sulfa,te, gluco*samine sulfa_te) Autism ,Spermama.x final,o Opioid Depende,nce M*irapex (Pr*amipexole, Mirape'xi_n, Sifrol) Koflet* Ampicil_lin — ,Antibiotic, Bacte,rial I*nfections, U+rinary Tr_act Infe'ctions, Oti_tis Media, Pn-eumonia, S_almonellosi.s, +Meningitis zyd-ol cymbalta. Suregas,m [suregas_m] Microlea'n — Weigh*t Loss, Obesit_y dipyrida,mol+e paesumex, Hyperacidity _gatigol er*ypar Det_oxification *Kof Tea *— Ayurveda, -Cough, Col,d, Throat I-nfection.s Tofra*nil — Depress.ion, Antid.epressant, E+nuresis, .Bedwett-ing levl,en Seizures Tooth,ache Motio,n Sickn*ess T+rivastal (-Piribedil, Pronor*an, Tr+astal, Trivasta.n) aten+dol mojo _maxx Adenom.a metlazel ov'ulato,ry failu*re optimycin alop+ecia ar.eata Cre,stor (Rosuvast+atin) ad.cef Colc,hicine — Arth*ritis,- Acute Gou.ty Arthritis, Gou*t, Fam*ilial Medit_erranean .Fever, FMF Co-reg (Carv+edi,lol, Dilatrend, Eu'cardic, .Carloc) Oti'ba'ct — Pets, Ear In'fectio-n, Otiti,s Externa In* Dogs Cialis *Soft Tabs [c-ialissoftt_abs'] (Tadalafil) Fron,tier (Fr_ontli_ne) 22-44 lbs, [frontier] .(fro_ntline, fipro-nil) Orgasm 'Enhancer Hayf-eve-r anovula*tion Sumen.ta — Sleep A.id, Rel-axation Aid, ,Insomnia Truva_da — HIV T-opamax (.Topiramate, pa+in,. topomax) _Jungle Burn (We*ight Loss, d-iet', diet pills) 100_% Pure Ok.in+awan Coral Calci*um H_emorrhage t.riptyl min'ocycline hyd'roxyzine Le'an Tea — Ayur.veda,- Weight Loss,' Obesity Arimi*dex — Endo,m*etrial Cancer, Uter*ine Ca*ncer, ,Ovarian Cance,r Epilepsy ta.gara. vitamins Be.nign Intracrani,al Hype*rtension* Shatavari — La-ctation, +Menopa*use, Hysterectom+y, Oophore,ctomy C Ca-duet — Bl.ood Pre-ssure, Hi,gh Choles.terol, Hype-rtension 'Pro ED Pa*ck (Viagra 'Professional +- Cia'lis Profess.ional) (si-ldenafil citrate,' tadalafi*l,, viagra, c.ialis) Regl.an (Metoclo-pramide, Maxolon,- Degan, .Maxeran, Pr,impe.ran, Pylom'id, Clopram, Dibe'rtil, G_astrosi'l, Imperan, Me'tlazel,. Plasil, Prim_peran) Hay _Fever .Quit Smoking A_gora+phobia VPXL (peni,s* growth, penis 'enlarger) ne*vimycin, immunity' ortho tri c'yclen 14 Amox+icillin '(Amoxycillin,' Actimo_xi, Alp-hamox, AMK, A_moksib'os, Amoxicla*v Sando.z, Amoxil,- Amoxin, Amok,siklav, Amoxib-ioti+c, Amoxicilina, _Apo-Amo,xi, Bactox, B-etalaktam', Cil,amox, Cur-am, Dedoxil, Di'spermox', Duomox, Enh.ancin, 'Gimalxina, Gera'mox, H*iconcil,+ Isimoxin*, Klavox, L.) 1.43% Chro'nic Renal' Failure erect*ile rysfun*ction* Celexa (C.ipramil, ,Citrol, Sero'pram, Reci-tal, Zeta'lo, Celep-ram, Ciazil, Z+entius, Ci_pram, cit.alopra-m) levalbut*erol colchicin. agepha cl*aritin M-ycosis fu_ngoides_ Synovitis paracoc+cidi_oidomycosi-s Psychosis amlod_ipine .Zaditor (k,etotifen fum,arate) Sp'oranox [s.poranox] (It'raconaz_ole, Sempera,, Orung-al, Itracon*, Iso_x, Canditral, C.andistat) Anti,psychotic *V*antin (Cefpo+doxime) rebetol- Bonn'isan Drops zes,tril lipato+r Ortho T+ri-Cyclen +(birth cont.rol,_ ortho tr.i cyclen, or-tho) meg,athin Zelno+rm (Tegaserod, Ze.lmac) ,Sulfa-salazine (Az,ulfidine+, Salazopyrin) Li*potrexate' (W_eight Los.s, diet, di.et pills) Dro-ntal Allwormer _For C,ats — Tapeworm-s, Hook*worms, Rou-ndworms c+ipralex .Hyperplasia' Sporanox_ — Fungal Infecti+ons,, Antifungal_, Blasto+mycosis, Histo,plasmosi's, Onychomycosi's,* Aspergillos*is, Candidias_is, Crypto,coccosi.s Pain brufe_n retard. Arcoxia (Eto.rico+xib, Algix, Tauxib-, pain) 'thyrax liore.sal VP-RX_ Oil *Fungal, Infections Rocalt-rol imi.trex Vascula'r Disease 'M M'acrobid (Nitrof*urantoin,, Furad_antin, Macrodant'in) Female 'Libido +Liver Protect'ion enal'agamma Bent'yl — IBS, I,rritable B+owel Sy.ndrome, S.pastic Colon, +Muscle Spas,ms, *Anticholin'ergic genox as'a Exelon. — Alz_heimer's Disease, -Dementia,, Parkinson's_ D,isease eyestra-in Desyrel [_desyrel]. (Trazodone,- Molip-axin, Depr_ax, Tritt-ico, Thombran,* Trialod'ine, Traz,orel, trazadon_e, Beneficat., Bim*aran, Manegan., Pragmarel,- Sideri'l, T.axagon, Tho+mbran, Traza_lon, Tra*zolan, Trazo*nil) Sporan,ox [sporanox] (_Itr*aconazole, Semp.era,. Orungal, Itra-con, Isox, Can.d*itral, Candistat)' O Of,loxacin — Bacter+ial I_nfection-s, Antibiotic,_ Bronchitis,' Pneumonia,' Urethr,itis, Cervic.itis,. Pelvic Inflamma'tory Dise-ase, .Cystitis, P-rostatitis, Go_norrh.ea alesse. (ovral l) Skelax_in (Met,axalone, pa_in, muscle re'laxe'r, muscle ,relaxant) hy*drosaluric+ Lovastatin —- High Cho,lester,ol, Triglyc'erides Pelvic_ Infla_mmatory Disease ,purpur+a B Bactrim (C_o-trimoxa_zole, trim,eth-oprim, sulfa_methoxazole, S,eptr,a, septra d's, bactrim d+s, ciplin, c'iplin ds,_ Septrin) chr+omomycosis
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