Saturday, December 18, 2010

Results, Events, Stories and News Updates

Results, Events, Stories and News Updates

ILBS Jobs, BHU PMT and more jobs

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 08:21 PM PST

Banaras Hindu University has announced for the admission notification for the MBBS course starting from the  2011. In BHU admission application are also open for the MBA, B. Pharma, BAMS courses for...

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Mobile Buzz

Mobile Buzz

Need For Speed Shift And Spiderman Total Mayhem HD Games Hit The Android Market

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 09:45 AM PST

It is a very well-known fact that the Gaming section on the Android Market hardly contains 'quality' games. Yes, there are some quality games for Android like Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja but that's about it. Gameloft does offer some brilliant gaming titles for Android like Dungeon Hunter, Lets Golf HD and H.A.W.X etc. but sadly the company does not list its games on the Android Market. The company sells its games via its own store which is very very bad.

However, all this is soon going to change as EA has started releasing some 'quality' games into the Android Market. Today, the company released the Need For Speed: Shift game into the Android Market for only $4.99. Earlier, NFS: Shift was available exclusively for a few Android handsets. EA also plans on bringing more high quality 3D games into the Android Market next year including NFL Madden 2011.

Here is a video of NFS: Shift in action on the Samsung Galaxy S -:

Need For Speed: Shift running on Samsung Galaxy S

Talking about Gameloft, the company has also released a brand new 'quality' game for Android handsets – Spider-man: Total Mayhem HD. Users can download the game from the Gameloft store for $4.99. However, looking at the pathetic state of the Gameloft store I would recommend users to stay away from purchasing this game.


Need For Speed Shift And Spiderman Total Mayhem HD Games Hit The Android Market originally appeared on Techie Buzz written by Rajesh Pandey on Saturday 18th December 2010 12:45:19 PM under Mobile News. Please read the Terms of Use for fair usage guidance.

Samsung Galaxy S Running Android 2.3 Gingerbread

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 05:20 AM PST

At the beginning of this month, Google unveiled the latest version of Android – Gingerbread along with the Nexus S. When the Nexus One was launched, it featured blazing edge hardware and set the ‘benchmark' for other Android phones to follow. However, the Nexus S is based on the popular Samsung Galaxy S hardware with a few subtle changes.

These changes include a NFC chip, Bluetooth 2.1, no microSD card slot, an LED flash and no FM radio. All Galaxy S owners hoped that since both the phones have a similar hardware, the Android modding community will soon cook an Android 2.3 Gingerbread based ROM for the Galaxy S.

Today, one of the most popular developer/modder on the Galaxy S modding scene – supercurio – has managed to get Android 2.3 up and working on his Galaxy S. He has even uploaded a video of his Galaxy S running Android 2.3 –:

Samsung Galaxy S Running Android 2.3 Gingerbread

However, there are still some bugs with this ROM like the Wi-Fi is a no go and the capacitive touch keys need to be re-mapped as well. Nevertheless, the awesome guy that supercurio is, he has promised to fix all these small bugs and release an Android 2.3 ROM for the Galaxy S. Kudos to supercurio!

Samsung Galaxy S Running Android 2.3 Gingerbread originally appeared on Techie Buzz written by Rajesh Pandey on Saturday 18th December 2010 08:20:05 AM under Mobile News. Please read the Terms of Use for fair usage guidance. » Tamil Movies » Tamil Movies

Va Quarter Cutting (2010) – Tamil Movie Watch Online

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 07:35 PM PST

Starring – Shiva, Lekha Washington, S. P. B. Charan Director – Pushkar, Gayathri Genre – Comedy Movie Info – Not Available Movie Description – Not Available Va Quarter Cutting 2010 Tamil Movie Watch Online Host Server 1 – Youtube Watch Online Full Movie Host Server 2 – Youtube Watch Online Full Movie Host Server 3 – Novamov Watch Online Full Movie Host Server 4 – Novamov Watch Online [...]

Uthama Puthiran (2010) – Tamil Movie Watch Online

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 07:31 PM PST

Starring – Dhanush, Genelia D'Souza, K. Bhagyaraj, Vivek, Karunas Director – Mithran R Jawahar Genre – Action, Romance Movie Info – Not Available Movie Description – Not Available Uthama Puthiran 2010 Tamil Movie Watch Online Host Server 1 – Youtube Watch Online Full Movie Host Server 2 – Youtube Watch Online Full Movie

Ente Nazionale Sordi ONLUS - Newsletter

Ente Nazionale Sordi ONLUS - Newsletter

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SMS Portal: 4 more new SMSs added today.

SMS Portal: 4 more new SMSs added today.

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You will always be in my mind

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 06:31 PM PST

If we can't be together then we will never be apart, For no matter what life brings us, You will always be in my...

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Your past is already set on stone

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 06:26 PM PST

Do not think about changing your past because your past is already set on stone, Just think of how you can set...

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How does a friendship Blossom

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 06:20 PM PST

A Friendship Does not Shine or start only By Shaking Hands In The Best Times of our lives But It Blossoms and...

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If you cant be a pencil to write anyones happiness

Posted: 18 Dec 2010 06:12 PM PST

If you can not be a pencil 2 write anyones happiness, then you should at least try 2 be a nice rubber 2 erase some...

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