Thursday, September 23, 2010

SMS Portal

SMS Portal

No one in this world is rich enough to buy PAST

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 08:29 PM PDT

No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own PAST. Enjoy each of your moment before it gets beyond...

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Nobody will ever remember How you look

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 08:28 PM PDT

Nobody will ever remember How you speak, How you look, What you did or anything else. But the only thing they...

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Night is long for those who are dreaming

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 08:21 PM PDT

Night is long for those who are dreaming, And day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS COME TRUE..

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Funny SMS The liar is me

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 08:15 PM PDT

If I were to make words for a dictionary: SWEET = you; CUTE = you; THOUGHTFUL = you; GORGEOUS = you; GOOD...

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With all my Heart I wish you were here

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 08:14 PM PDT

When Nights are long and Friends are few, I sit by my Window and think of you. A silent whisper a silent tear,...

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The Best Friendship

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 08:30 PM PDT

I Say & You Listen, it is a Good Friendship. You Say & I Listen, is a Better Friendship. But I do not...

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