Friday, January 14, 2011

Berman Post

Berman Post

Google Translate For Android - Conversation Mode [Universal Translator Lite]

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 03:38 PM PST

Google's Conversation Mode for its Translator service is really 'Universal Translator-esk'. You speak into your phone in your language, the service translates and speaks the language of your choice. The other person speaks their language, and the service translates it back and reads it to you.

"Google has just just added a little bit of Star Trek to Android. An update to the Google Translate app adds "Conversation Mode", which acts a lot like the universal translator from the TV show.

In Conversation Mode you speak into your phone, Google translates your words into the language of your choice, and then the phone reads out the results in a pleasant robot voice.

Video embedded below. (from, and, and) (Jump to 26:20)

Sound Egg

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 01:32 PM PST

Male Lieutenant Governor Punched in The Face by a Grandma After Saving Her Grand Kids

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 11:28 AM PST

It is a good idea to watch out for your children around strangers, but not everyone is trying to abduct them; especially people who risk their own safety to help them.

"Last week, the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, Timothy Murray, noticed smoke coming out of a minivan in his hometown of Worcester. He raced over and pulled out two small children, moments before the van's tire exploded into flames. At which point, according to the AP account, the kids' grandmother, who had been driving, nearly punched our hero in the face.


Mr. Murray said she told him she thought he might be a kidnapper.

And so it goes these days, when almost any man who has anything to do with a child can find himself suspected of being a creep. I call it "Worst-First" thinking: Gripped by pedophile panic, we jump to the very worst, even least likely, conclusion first. Then we congratulate ourselves for being so vigilant.

Soap Flakes

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 09:23 AM PST

It is such a simple idea in hindsight that you wonder how no one came up with something like it before.

Picture embedded below.

"I designed two dispensers that turn block soap into beautiful little flakes. They offer you a new comfortable sensation when they are falling on your hands and easily dissolve in water.

The first version needs to be attached to the wall. You can easily use it with one hand; while you are pushing the grater, you are capturing the flakes. With its open shape it lets the soap block evolve its fragrances into the room.

The second version is a grater that can stand by itself. Therefore it's more flexible in usage. It could be placed in the same way as a shower gel or shampoo.


Delta Smelt & Undocumented Farm Workers: How Federal Policy is Failing CA's Central Valley

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 07:21 AM PST

The History of Western Culture in 2 1/2 Minutes

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 05:20 AM PST

Video embedded below.

Obama Declares France Our 'Best Ally'? - Not Exactly

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:33 PM PST

Some people are getting upset over Obama saying 'We don't have a stronger friend and stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy, and the French people'. They took that to mean that Obama is declaring France our number one ally; thus insulting England. I do not think that is what Obama was implying at all. While it would be an easy case to make that Obama does not consider England as important (or at least is not treating them as well) as recent past presidents have, this is taking it to far. What was Obama supposed to say; 'we only have a few stronger friends than France'? It does not exactly flow as well. At worst, Obama was putting France in our top tier of allies along with anyone else he thinks should go there; which does not necessarily exclude England.

"The remarks also angered conservatives in Washington.

Nile Gardiner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Centre For Freedom at the Heritage Foundation think-tank, said: 'Quite what the French have done to merit this kind of high praise from the U.S. President is difficult to fathom.

'And if the White House means what it says this represents an extraordinary sea change in foreign policy.'Dr Gardiner, a former aide to Lady Thatcher, added: 'To suggest that Paris and not London is Washington's strongest partner is simply ludicrous.

'Such a remark is not only factually wrong but insulting to Britain, not least coming just a few years after the French knifed Washington in the back over the war in Iraq.'

Obama's Memorial Speech For The Tucson (Arizona) Shooting

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:14 PM PST

I think it was a good, well delivered speech for the most part. Giving out t-shirts and the cheering (except for when Obama announced that Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time) felt off.

Video embedded below.

Past related post:
Berman Post: Gabrielle Giffords (D) Shot in The Head
Berman Post: Jared Laughner Identified as Shooter of Gabrielle Giffords (D)
Berman Post: Jared Laughner (Shooter of Gabrielle Giffords (D)) MySpace Page Found, Now Removed
Berman Post: Arizona Chief US District Judge John Roll Confirmed Killed by Jared Loughner
Berman Post: Obama on Jared Loughner's Shooting Spree (Gravely Injuring Gabrielle Giffords And Killing John Roll)
Berman Post: All Legislation in Considered by The House Being Postponed Due to Jared Loughner's Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords (D)
Berman Post: Heart Wrenching Interview of Mother of Slain 9-Year-Old (Shooting Victim of Jared Loughner)
Berman Post: Hillary Clinton - 'Jared Loughner's Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords Was Political Extremism Similar to Al Qaeda'
Berman Post: Rahm Emanuel (D) - 'Never Let a Crisis go to Waste Comment Not Intended And Does Not Apply to Loughner's Shooting of Giffords'
Berman Post: Word Cloud of Obama's Memorial Speech For The Tucson (Arizona) Shooting

Top Voted on Tasks For Google Tasks

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 08:06 PM PST

You asked for it and Google is about to try to give it to you.

"We were blown away by the number of responses we received, with over 17,000 people participating and an overwhelming 185,000 votes.

Now, we're preparing to tackle some of your top requests. In no specific order, here are the top five feature requests that emerged from the Tasks product ideas page:

  • Ability to create repeating tasks
  • Reminders and notifications
  • Sharable task lists
  • Tasks API and synchronization
  • Visual distinction for overdue tasks
So thanks for all the feedback and stay tuned for changes to Tasks throughout the year.

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