Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Berman Post

Berman Post

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repealed (65-31)

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 09:00 PM PST

I really hope that this does not result in soldiers being wounded or dieing; unfortunately I am not convinced based on the study that this will be the case. The policy is something that needed to be repealed eventually; the military may have just had their schedule pushed up a bit.

"By a vote of 65-31, the Senate has voted to repeal "Dont Ask, Don't Tell." All that's left now is for President Obama to sign the legislation, which I'm sure he will do as quickly as possible.

Earlier in the day, the Senate voted 63-33 to invoke cloture. Six Republicans voted in favor of doing so: Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Mark Kirik, Scott Brown, Lisa Murkowski, and George Voinovich. On the final vote, two conservatives, John Ensign and Richard Burr, joined in to support repeal.

Census Findings Released, US Population 308,745,538 on April 1

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:50 PM PST

As was largely expected, Republican leaning states will gain seats while Democratic leaning states will lose seats. Besides effecting Congressional distracting, it will also effect the presidential election and the Electoral College is based on the number of seats a state has. Add to that the fact that Republicans won big in the state legislatures (meaning control of much of the redistricting) and the Democrats could be on the receiving end of a 'one-two punch' making it difficult to regain political power.

"The Census Bureau announced Tuesday that the nation's population on April 1 was 308,745,538, up from 281.4 million a decade ago. The growth rate for the past decade was 9.7 percent, the lowest since the Great Depression. The nation's population grew by 13.2 percent from 1990 to 2000.

Michigan was the only state to lose population during the past decade. Nevada, with a 35 percent increase, was the fastest-growing state.

The new numbers are a boon for Republicans, with Texas leading the way among GOP-leaning states that will gain House seats, mostly at the Rust Belt's expense. Following each once-a-decade census, the nation must reapportion the House's 435 districts to make them roughly equal in population, with each state getting at least one seat.

That triggers an often contentious and partisan process in many states, which will draw new congressional district lines that can help or hurt either party.

In all, the census figures show a shift affecting 18 states taking effect when the 113th Congress takes office in 2013.

Texas will gain four new House seats, and Florida will gain two. Gaining one each are Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington.

Ohio and New York will lose two House seats each. Losing one House seat are Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Florida will now have as many U.S. House members as New York: 27. California will still have 53 seats, and Texas will climb to 36.

In 2008, President Barack Obama lost in Texas and most of the other states that are gaining House seats. He carried most of the states that are losing House seats, including Ohio and New York.

Each House district represents an electoral vote in the presidential election process, meaning the political map for the 2012 election will tilt somewhat more Republican.

Nina Totenberg (NPR)- "I Was At – Forgive The Expression – a Christmas Party"

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:39 PM PST

When did 'Christmas Party' become a low grade slur needing an advanced apology for using the phrase?

Video embedded below.

"Totenberg's bashfulness came as she explained how the failure of Congress to pass an annual budget has left federal workers in limbo:

Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don't know how much money they've got and for what. And I was at – forgive the expression – a Christmas party at the Department of Justice and people actually were really worried about this.

So, what did Totenberg mean by "forgive the expression"?

Holder - 'What Keeps me up at Night is Home-Grown Terrorist'

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:34 PM PST

Crowdsourcing The Price of Weed

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:30 PM PST

Picture embedded below.

Map from the Website
(Green = < $300 per oz; Yellow = $3oo-400 per oz; Red = > $400 per oz

So Long to ya, 2010 | The JibJab 2010 Year in Review!

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:23 PM PST

Terror Plot Foiled in Britain (12 Arrested)

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:19 PM PST

A Joe Biden (War On) Christmas

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:17 PM PST

Free Calling in Gmail Extended Through 2011

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 08:11 PM PST

Good news for you Goggle phone users through Gmail. Free phone calls continue for at least another year.

"When we launched calling in Gmail back in August, we wanted it to be easy and affordable, so we made calls to the U.S. and Canada free for the rest of 2010. In the spirit of holiday giving and to help people keep in touch in the new year, we're extending free calling for all of 2011."

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