Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Movie Updates ( Daily )

Movie Updates ( Daily )

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Burnt Offerings (1976)


Haunted house chiller from Dan Curtis has Oliver Reed and Karen Black as summer caretakers moving into gothic house with their young son...

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Raising Jeffrey Dahmer (2006)


Based on the true story of the mass murderer Jeffrey Dahmer, the events within the family behind, and leading up to, his capture.

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Carnival Of Souls (1998)


A young girl witnesses the brutal rape and murder of her mother by a circus clown and begins to have nightmares when the carnival comes back to town when she is an adult.

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Nine Lives (2002)


Nine friends are stranded in an isolated Scottish manor house when a centuries-old spirit is unleashed. Only one will survive.

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Secrets Of The CIA (2006)


[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Camille (1936)


A Parisian courtesan must choose between the young man who loves her and the callous baron who wants her, even as her own health begins to fail.

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Punch Drunks (1934)


Moe discovers Curly unknown boxing talent when he knocks out the Champ at a restaurant when Larry plays Pop Goes the Weasal on the violin...

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

The Music Box (1932)


Like the legendary Sisyphus, deliverymen Laurel and Hardy struggle to push a large crated piano up a seemingly insurmountable flight of stairs.

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Helvetica (2007)


A documentary about typography, graphic design, and global visual culture.

[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

Kingston High (2002)


[ This is a movie summary only. Visit my website for streaming links ]

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