Friday, January 7, 2011

Berman Post

Berman Post

House Reads The Constitution (Complete Video)

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 03:56 PM PST

Two choices for viewing this historic first. The top clip is from C-Span. The 6 following it are from YouTube.

Video embedded below.

Videos embedded below.

PART 1 – Preliminaries (After some debate as to whether to read the original version of the U.S. Constitution, the decision was announded to read the U.S. Constitution "as amended.")

PART 2 – Preamble and Article I

PART 3 – Articles II-VII

PART 4 – The "Bill of Rights" (Amendments I-X)

PART 5 – Amendments XI-XIII

PART 6 – Amendments XIV-XXVII

Saudi Arabia 'Detains' Israeli Vulture For Spying

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 03:29 PM PST

It seems those diabolically crafty Jews have added to their animal arsenal again; they have snakes for land, sharks for water, and now vulture for the sky. That, or Jews really do just get blamed for everything. That now includes sinister motivation for fairly standard animal behavior study techniques. That being attaching GPS units to animals to learn their habitats and migration patterns.

"The griffon vulture was carrying a GPS transmitter bearing the name of Tel Aviv University, prompting rumours it was part of a Zionist plot.

Israeli wildlife officials dismissed the claims as ludicrous and expressed concern about the bird's fate.
The vulture, which can have a wing span of up to 265cm (8ft 8in), was caught after it landed in the desert city of Hyaal a few days ago.

When locals discovered the GPS transmitter, they suspected the worst and handed it over to the security forces, said Israel's Ma'ariv newspaper.
Israeli officials told Ma'ariv they were "stunned" by the allegations and concerned that the bird could meet a horrible punishment in the notoriously severe Saudi justice system.

"The device does nothing more than receive and store basic data about the bird's whereabouts, and about his altitude and speed," a bird specialist at Israel's Park and Nature Authority told the newspaper.

The data would be used to improve understanding of the endangered species' behaviour.

"Now, this poor bird is paying a terrible price. That's very sad," said the unnamed expert.

"I hope they release the poor thing."

Pelosi Blames Midterms Losses on Bush

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 03:08 PM PST

Liberals/Progressives Heading For Another Name Change?

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:37 PM PST

It seems that Liberal moniker 'Progressive' has been sullied by the Liberal policies. That could mean we the emergence of another cover term as they try to repackage the same failed and rejected ideas.

"this is bad news for folks formerly known as "liberals," then as "progressives." Seems Rasmussen Reports finds that "conservative" is the most positively viewed political label, while "liberal" and "progressive" are in the negative.

"Forty-two percent (42%) of Likely U.S. Voters say they view it as a positive if a candidate is described as politically conservative. Twenty-one percent (21%) say it's a negative description, and 36% rate it somewhere in between the two," Rasmussen said.

Wasn't that long ago that being seen as a progressive was equally as positive as being called a conservative, according to Rasmussen.

"Being described as a progressive, on the other hand, is a positive for 22% of voters and a negative for 34%, with 41% seeing it in between," Rasmussen said.

"But in the previous survey, voters were evenly divided, with 29% saying progressive was a positive description and 28% describing it as a negative.

Adam Posen Discusses Asset Bubbles

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:12 PM PST

Video embedded below.

Unemployment Falls to 9.4%

Posted: 07 Jan 2011 02:00 PM PST

You would think that having the unemployment drop four-tenths of a percent in a month would be cause from great celebration. In this case it is not given the reason for the decline. While a bit over 100k jobs were created, slightly more then 450k people have given up looking for work. The numbers for this month indicate that we are discouraging our way out of high unemployment instead of actually putting people back to work.

"The nation's unemployment rate dropped four-tenths of a point to 9.4% in December but the number of jobs added fell short of expectations.  According to the Department of Labor, the economy only added 103,000 jobs, an improvement over the previous few months, but short of the 160,000 economists had been expecting, and far short of ADP's projection of 297,000.  In another oddity, the number of unemployed fell by five times the number of jobs added:

The unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 9.4 percent in December, and nonfarm payroll employment increased by 103,000, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment rose in leisure and hospitality and in health care but was little changed in other major industries.

The number of unemployed persons decreased by 556,000 to 14.5 million in December, and the unemployment rate dropped to 9.4 percent. Over the year, these measures were down from 15.2 million and 9.9 percent, respectively.

The one explanation for the difference would be an increase in discouraged workers. That number rose from last December by 389,000; November's figures are not available (the historical data set was down). Also, the civilian labor force participation rate did drop to 64.3%, which indicates that people are still leaving the work force rather than rejoining it."

To put this in the contexts of the last year and a half; after rising to %9.5, 'fake' falling to %9.4, rising to %9.7, and then rising again to 9.8%, and rising again to 10.2%, dropping to 10%, held steady, dropping to 9.7%, held steady, held steady again, increased to 9.9%, dropped to 9.7%, fell to 9.5%, holding steady, rising a tick to 9.6%, held steady, held steady again, increased to 9.8%, and has now 'fake fallen' to 9.4%.

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