Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Maryland Real Estate Authority

Maryland Real Estate Authority

Consider Small Details When Preparing to Sell Your House

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 02:00 AM PST

When you are preparing your home to sell and thinking about painting or home staging and pricing and a lot of other things, do not forget details matter.

Cabinets and Closets
Sometimes home sellers forget that prospective buyers are curious so make sure your cabinets are neat. Don’t stuff things into cabinets and closets because people are sure to open them up. Storage is a major concern for home buyers.

Windows and Doors
You should also check to make sure that your windows can open and close with ease. Something like WD40 can help so that a buyer who tests the windows won't have to remember the frustration of being unable to open/close them.

The same goes for the doors in your house. Buyers will certainly notice if a door creaks or if it seems to be falling off its hinges. The doorknobs should be secure and not difficult to turn.

These are all really small things, it is true. You may be thinking that if you own great Maryland real estate in a desirable neighborhood, a creaky door or a stuck window shouldn't matter…but you are competing against other well-appointed homes. A buyer may or may not remember a tiny detail such as these, but a buyer will remember if they felt uneasy for any reason. You do not want to leave things unrepaired because you want buyers to leave your home feeling good.

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